What’s Happening in Our Association?

Ministry reports were given at a recent associational Executive Board meeting last month. Southeastern Association has some interesting ministries that can benefit from your church’s participation. Here are a few to consider:

Pearl Baptist Church

This New Albany church has a wonderful ministry to homeless persons in the area by providing weekly hot meals every Wednesday evening. The food is served by volunteers at the church. The ministry is partially funded by the North American Mission Board and others. What can your church do? It can provide paper goods so that all available funds can be spent on food. Contact Bruce Farnsley at: pearlbapt@att.net  about other ways you can become part of this ministry. Of course, paper money is always good too!

Choices for Women

This on-going ministry, located on Charlestown Road in New Albany, is always in need of volunteers and supplies. Contact Rose Condra for how you or your group can help. This biblically-based ministry shares Christ at every opportunity as workers assist women in making good decisions about their babies.

Campus Ministries

Under the direction of Cody Bishop, college campus life began Fall 2016 with several co-sponsored activities to attract students to Bible study and discipling opportunities. The emphasis for this fall will be one-on-one discipling. Churches can be involved by helping to provide food for the gathering events. College students are open to eating and studying! Contact Cody at: codylbishop@gmail.com

New Church Plants in Our Area

Think of all the needs a new church plant may have! Our association currently has 4 new plants, and the pastors of these churches may be needing something you have already have or can contribute. Contact the associational office for the pastors’ contact information. We need to encourage these new pastors as they serve in areas with limited resources.