Transformed Is Coming for Indiana Women

“Be Still and Know” is the theme for Transformed 2020 which is an annual event for all Indiana women. The event will include motivational missionary and keynote speakers, seminars on a wide variety of topics,, and many opportunities for fellowship.

It will be held in two locations:

   March 6-7 – Eastern Heights Baptist Church, Jeffersonville.

             Keynote Speaker:   Dana James

       Registration:  $55 if paid in full by February 6

                                $65 if paid in full by February 21

   April 17-18 – Northside Baptist Church, Indianapolis

             Keynote Speaker:  Elizabeth Woodson

   Registration: $55 if paid in full by March 17

                           $65 if paid in full by April 3

  Great News!   Any senior pastor’s wife receives free general registration if she registers using a discount code PWS20 by March 17.

Ministers’ Wives Breakfast  Enjoy a special break for the wives of State Convention of Baptists in Indiana and other vocational ministers. Select the 8:00 a.m. Ministers’ Wives Breakfast option in registration by February 6.

Go online to for more information about housing and conferences being offered.