Aug 9 2017
The Mully Movie
WorldCrafts, a ministry of Woman’s Missionary Union, is partnering with the Mully movie about a Kenyan man who worked his way from abject poverty to great wealth, only to be called by God to return to poverty. His “yes” to God has led him to rescue more than 12,000 orphans in Kenya. The movie will be in 800 theaters across the United States in October. There are kits available for downloading that will help you promote and plan follow-up as well as a 6-week devotional book. Go to to purchase the downloadable kits. If your church would like to host the Mully Movie, contact WorldCrafts for referral directions.
While you’re online check out the Yatta purse and necklace being made by Kenyan artisans to develop sustainable fair-trade businesses. Mully Children’s Family began a vocational training center that rescues and restores young women broken by exploitation.