Linda's Articles
Oct 2 2019
Missionary Kids’ National Re-Entry Retreat to be Held at Highland Lakes!
August, 2020 has been set as the time for the annual re-entry retreat for MKs who are returning to the US for college. Indiana WMU is partnering with Kentucky to host the approximately 100 students for a week of activities designed to prepare them for college life.
To make this event a success, we need your support! The cost per student is approximately $400. Housing, meals, and a backpack filled with gifts is provided for each MK. Individuals, families, and churches are encouraged to participate in making this event a wonderful experience for these third world students of our Southern Baptist missionaries.
Donations of any amount can be directed through Mary Brow at SCBI. For more information contact Allison Kinion or Terah Adams at SCBI.
Let’s make this a great time for MKs!
Oct 2 2019
Need Ideas to Engage Adults in Missions?
Woman’s Missionary Union provides ideas and help in engaging adults in missions activities! Discover more missionary stories and project ideas on
Check out the missionary spotlight and the update by clicking on the “Mission Stories” box. You’ll also find ministry ideas by clicking on the “Mission Projects” box.
While you are there, read the Adults on Mission Blog. October’s posting discuss Global Hunger Relief and domestic violence. Come back every month to read about prayer, social issues, stewardship, discipleship, and more!
Oct 2 2019
WorldCrafts – Showing Compassion to Those in Need
This ministry was begun by Woman’s Missionary Union over 15 years ago and has reached thousands with the good news of Jesus while helping women (and men) achieve financial stability through handicrafts the artisans make.
You and your church can be involved In this ministry in several ways:
*Shop WorldCrafts handmade fair-trade products.
*Host a WorldCrafts benefit for a Christian Women’s Job Corps site and to support artisans in over 30 countries.
* Host a WorldCrafts market at your church, sharing the stories of artisan groups around the world.
* Pray for WorldCrafts artisans and job corps sites using the prayer guide available at:
* Donate funds to Pure Water, Pure Love which is a ministry that provides clean water systems and water filters to missionaries and WorldCrafts artisans.
For more information about WMU’s compassion ministries, visit
Oct 2 2019
International Missions Study: Rohingya
It’s time to begin planning how your church will learn about refugees this fall! The Southern Baptist International Mission Board in partnership with WMU has chosen the Rohingya people as the focus for this year’s mission study. The most persecuted of all refugees, the Rohingya are stateless with no access to income, education, medical help, or residency.
Materials are available for all ages this year. A Promotion Kit includes posters, teaching guides, and other resources to enrich guide your planning and enrich your presentations. The “Missions Traveler: Rohingya” is a full-color magazine style product contains articles on how missionaries and volunteers are working to introduce refugees to Christ.
Engage your entire church in this year’s International Mission Study! Materials can be ordered at
Oct 1 2019
October is Global Hunger Month
October 13 is Global Hunger Sunday. Worldwide, chronic hunger affects 1 of 9 people in the world. Your church’s participation along with GHR can make a difference in the lives of these persons, many of whom are refugees or live in urban slum areas.
Global Hunger funds also provide clean water, agricultural needs, and jobs for the thousands who have fled from religious and ethnic persecution. Last year more than 1,500 communities and one half million people were impacted by gifts to the Global Hunger Relief fund.
During 1917 over 15 million households were categorized as food insecure here in the United States. More than 2.427 ministries were funded and gave more than 16 million meals to hungry North Americans. Indiana has multiple hunger ministries that provide food relief to our residents along with encouragement and a gospel presentation.
Hunger relief funds that come to Indiana through the North American Missions Board are determined by the number of our churches that participate in giving. It is NOT based on a dollar amount, but rather, on the number of churches that give. So, what does this mean? This means that we need 100% of our churches to give something to hunger relief! This means that you as an individual or a family can give and designate it for world hunger, even if your church does not participate!
For more information about Global Hunger Relief go to: For information about hunger ministries here in Indiana, contact Rick Hillard at
Aug 12 2019
Missions Lifeline
If you missed Missions Lifeline this year, you missed a great blessing! First Baptist Church of Charlestown led a mini missions day camp, and several North American and international missionaries participated and their presentations were motivational. The annual missions event is sponsored by Indiana Woman’s Missionary Union/Women’s Ministries and is designed to inform and equip all ages to be on missions and make disciples. The 2020 event is already being planned, so watch for the date. Begin planning now to encourage your church members to attend!
Aug 12 2019
Indiana Prayer Project
Linda Clark is participating in calling all the pastors in SEIBA to gather prayer requests. This is an effort to support the calling and vision our churches have under their pastor’s guidance. If you have not received a call as yet, please call or text Linda with your requests. 502.595.8473 (Of course, all requests are confidential) Linda is available for consultations to help SEIBA churches be on mission and educate members about how they can become personally involved through praying, giving, and going. She can be contacted via email, text, or phone.
Aug 12 2019
New Project for SEIBA Missions-Minded Churches!
The annual MK (missionary kid) Re-Entry retreat will be held next August at Highland Lakes. Every year incoming college students from all over the globe gather for a week of activities and speakers on topics that will be of interest to their adjustment to life in the United States. Because many of them were born overseas or have lived most of their lives there, this event is critical to help them face the challenges that will arise due to their unfamiliarity with American culture. WMU needs the support of Indiana churches to make this project a reality!
The estimated cost per student is $400 and your church or individuals can send donations to the state offices designated for “MK Retreat.” We are co-sponsoring this event with Kentucky WMU and must do our part! Contact Linda Clark for additional ways your church can be involved in this important event.
Jul 2 2019
The Number “131”
What does the number 131 have to do with missions? If you attended the annual Woman’s Missionary Union meetings in Birmingham last month, you got a glimpse of what can happen when missions-minded women, men, and children come together to celebrate! 2019 is the 131st anniversary of WMU and no effort was spare for the 2-day event that culminated in a day with 131 (yes, 131, count them!) different missions activities.
Held at the national WMU building on Missionary Ridge, the activities were held inside and outside and there was something for everyone! Guides dressed in historical clothing told the story of Southern Baptist missions and WMU. Ministry projects for Baptist Global Relief, packing meals for hunger relief, and making tee-shirt jump ropes were hands-on experiences. The new Walk of Faith made from bricks given in recognition of missions advocates or in honor of individuals who supported mission causes was featured. There were gutter sailboat racing, banana boats, and porcelain painting under the outside canopies. Breakout sessions included Baptist Nursing Fellowship info, the Baptist Friendship House in New Orleans, how impoverished women survive, and witnessing to friends.
It was hot on Monday, June 10. It was crowded. And, it was a great time of learning, encouragement, and fellowship!
Jul 2 2019
The Great Summer Missions Challenge
In just one month fill a bulletin board at your church or an entire wall with pictures of people doing personal missions projects. Challenge families and individuals to choose a project in their neighborhood or community to reach out to others with the love of Jesus. Take pictures of your project and make a copy of the best one to put on the bulletin board. Here’s how to make this happen:
- Make a list of missions project ideas and post them on a bulletin board, include them in the church bulletin, online, etc.
- Promote the summer projects each week.
- Projects can be done by families, Sunday School classes, or missions groups.
- Challenge the church to fill the bulletin board with pictures before the month is over.
- Create a slide show for a Sunday worship service.
This emphasis could be a great launch for personal missions involvement. NOTE: This missions idea was written up by Indiana WMU Vice President, Chris Conrades, Richmond, IN. Thanks for the great idea, Chris!