October is Global Hunger Month

October 13 is Global Hunger Sunday. Worldwide, chronic hunger affects 1 of 9 people in the world. Your church’s participation along with GHR can make a difference in the lives of these persons, many of whom are refugees or live in urban slum areas.

Global Hunger funds also provide clean water, agricultural needs, and jobs for the thousands who have fled from religious and ethnic persecution. Last year more than 1,500 communities and one half million people were impacted by gifts to the Global Hunger Relief fund.

During 1917 over 15 million households were categorized as food insecure here in the United States. More than 2.427 ministries were funded and gave more than 16 million meals to hungry North Americans. Indiana has multiple hunger ministries that provide food relief to our residents along with encouragement and a gospel presentation.

Hunger relief funds that come to Indiana through the North American Missions Board are determined by the number of our churches that participate in giving. It is NOT based on a dollar amount, but rather, on the number of churches that give. So, what does this mean? This means that we need 100% of our churches to give something to hunger relief! This means that you as an individual or a family can give and designate it for world hunger, even if your church does not participate!

For more information about Global Hunger Relief go to: www.GlobalHungerRelief.org  For information about hunger ministries here in Indiana, contact Rick Hillard at SCBI.org.