Jan 27 2021
Missions While Social Distancing
Everything has drastically changed during the last several months, hasn’t it? Being involved in missions-related activities has not remained untouched. Following are a few ideas that might help you plan what you can do during this time.
#1 – Consider that contributions to existing ministries may be down. You and your group may decide to focus on purchasing needed supplies rather than volunteering as you’ve done in the past. Don’t abandon the ministry! Make a list of needed supplies, gather the items and ask a non high-risk member to make a doorstep delivery.
#2 –Quilting and sewing projects can be done individually. Knitting and crocheting for pregnancy centers are always welcome. Go online to Pinterest for sewing patterns.
#3 – Focus on what one person can do alone. Make a concerted effort to pray for missionaries (use Prayer Patterns in each issue of Missions Mosaic for specific requests and lists of missionaries on their birthdays). Writing notes of encouragement is a solitary activity. Cook dishes for someone living alone or families in crisis and make porch deliveries.
#4 – Begin a one-on-one online mentoring emphasis. Two women meet at agreed days and times; watch the enthusiasm for missions and spiritual growth increase!
#5 – Take advantage of national WMU’s online mini courses on WorldCrafts and Human Trafficking. As a group decide how you can help your church become aware of poverty and human exploitation issues.
#6 – Encourage group members to listen to the podcasts by Sandy Wisdom-Martin (national WMU Executive Director) and special guests as they discuss a variety of topics of interest during this time of social distancing. Go to wmu.com and type “podcasts.”
#7 – Local projects: *homemade cookies for first responders *birdhouses or posters for senior care facilities *sidewalk chalk messages to delivery persons *gift frozen cookie dough to neighbors to bake when wanted.