Missions Involvement Ideas

As cold weather approaches, sponsor a Cold Weather Box for the homeless. Encourage families to take children shopping for gloves, mufflers, and knitted hats that homeless individuals will appreciate. (Note: Dollar Tree has some great ones!). Make arrangements to deliver the winter items to the Rescue Mission in Jeffersonville or Louisville. Contact the associational office for complete information.

Have a paper drive – no, not newspapers! – paper goods that Pearl Street Baptist Church can use in its hunger ministry. Contact Bruce Farnsley at pearlbapt@att.net  for a list of supplies needed.

Colder weather brings falling leaves! Enlist students to rake leaves for homebound persons in the church’s neighborhood. Encourage them to share why they are doing it: God loves them and they want to demonstrate His love.

Collect non-perishable food items and take them to a local agency that distributes food and/or provides hot meals for the homeless. SEIBA’s office may have current information on area needs.