Fall Mission Ideas

Fall is just around the corner! When cooler weather comes to southern Indiana, our minds turn to hot chocolate and heavier clothing. Think for a few minutes of the things you associate with fall, and then consider how you can turn these fond memories into a ministry project for your Bible study class or mission group. Here are a few Fall-Related activities that might spur you to action:

1. Call a homeless shelter and ask if you can provide the makings for hot chocolate for a group study they may be sponsoring. Funds often don’t extend to something “extra” like this.

2. Collect knitted hats, gloves, and mufflers ahead of time for cold weather. Right now is a great time to purchase these items as reasonable prices before the season hits. Check your nearby Dollar Tree. They have a great selection!

3. Sponsor a Fall Festival event one evening at your church. Plan mission-related activities for the whole family. Set up several tables with different ministry projects so everyone can participate. Assemble Blessing Bags for the homeless containing such items as snack crackers, applesauce with plastic spoon, small cans of portable eats (Vienna Sausages, tuna & crackers, etc.), hand wipes, small bars of soap, and washcloths. Another table could be signing cards to be sent to members of the military serving overseas. Families could bring canned goods as their “entrance fee” to be taken to a local food pantry. If your church’s kitchen is large enough, enlist people to bring cookie dough ready to be baked and have volunteers direct attendees in making cookies that will be taken to local firefighters and law enforcement personnel. Enlist someone to deliver after cookies are plated.

Fall is a great time for family, friends, and making memories. Make some mission memories!