Resources Available through the Association
This is where you can find resources that are available at the Association Ministry Center or through the Association.
Under Construction
This page will display/manage resources available though the SEIBA churches such as training materials, equipment, etc... for either temporary or permanent loan.
Resources Available at SEIBA Churches
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Downloadable Files
Effective Evangelism Events
How to make your church visitor friendly - notes
Notes to accompany PowerPoint presentation from the 2nd session at the Effective Evangelism Events Seminar.
Sunday School Clinic
Allan Taylor Handout 3
The Handout used with the PowerPoint presentation of Session 3 for the Allan Taylor Sunday School Conference, May 7-8, 2010, at the SEIBA Ministry Center. (NOTE: this material was not presented at the conference)
Allan Taylor Handout 2
The Handout used with the PowerPoint presentation of Session 2 for the Allan Taylor Sunday School Conference, May 7-8, 2010, at the SEIBA Ministry Center.
Allan Taylor Handout 1
The Handout used with the PowerPoint presentation of Session 1 for the Allan Taylor Sunday School Conference, May 7-8, 2010, at the SEIBA Ministry Center.
Allan Taylor PowerPoint 3
The PowerPoint presentation from session 3 of the Allan Taylor Sunday School Conference, May 7-8, 2010, at the Ministry Center. (NOTE: Allan did not present this material during the conference)
Allan Taylor Powerpoint 2
PowerPoint presentation from Session 2 of the Allan Taylor Sunday School Conference, May 7-8, 2010 at the Ministry Center.
Allan Taylor PowerPoint 1
This file contains the PowerPoint presentation from the first session of the Allan Taylor Sunday School Conference, May 7-8, 2010 at the Ministry Center.
Executive Board - 25Aug2014
Here is the tentative agenda and 2015 Budget Proposal for the Executive Board meeting Monday, August 25. Your opportunity to ask any questions you may have regarding the budget may be presented at the meeting. Remember, we are not voting to accept the budget at thats time, but the vote will take place at our Annual Associational Meeting on October 13th.